
Circolo Golf Torino

La Mandria

Circolo Golf Torino
La Mandria

Circolo Golf Torino experience

Torino La Mandria golf club’s most important feature is its very location, in the heart of a park, one of the most important lowland forests of the Po river plain, once the Royal House of Savoy’s game reserve, where you will also find the famous Reggia di Venaria Reale palace.

In the park, among the greens, you’ll find the most spectacular natural surroundings for golf in Italy. Torino golf club is entirely built around golf. There are neither roads nor buildings. The features that characterise our two golf courses guarantee two different ways of experiencing the game but what they share are the excellent conditions in which they are maintained, done in a manner that respects the local ecosystem.

The environmental policy pursued by the club’s directors – achieved through an ecologically sustainable management programme involving the sustainable use of the area and the protection of natural resources – has been awarded the Impegnati nel Verde award. Below is a list of the animal and plant species that you’ll come across on Torino La Mandria golf club’s 36 holes.

Weather in Fiano

Course Situation

Prime Blu

Golf Cart:NO

Seconde Blu

Golf Cart:NO

Prime Giallo


Seconde Gialle


Pitch and putt


Updated situation at 10/5/2024 - 1:58.07 PM


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